PC-Mac-Net FileShare
User Manual


Backing up The process of saving files on alternative media so that if the primary files are lost or damaged, the files can be restored.
Bandwidth The speed at which data moves across a network.
Computer crash A computer lockup requiring a restart/reboot.
Congestion The way in which response times and download speeds decline when many users are actively using a network.
Download subscriptions Renewable date-limited access to softgoods.
Network firewall The process of checking and controlling network traffic to protect computers from outside hackers.
Load balancing Distributing tasks evenly between servers to optimise system performance.
Modem dropout A modem losing an Internet connection, usually caused by a loss of the carrier signal.
Runtime key A small amount of special text (eg. a CD codekey, registration code, activation key, etc.) which enables a software package to run.
Server downtime A server made unavailable for normal access because of maintenance, failure, etc.
Softgoods Types of electronic content including software, games, movies, music, books, photos, documents, plugins, program updates and SDKs.
Strong encryption Generally refers to encryption using keys greater than 128 bits in size.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) / Troubleshooting
Q. PC-Mac-Net FileShare tries to access the internet as soon as it's launched. Why?
A. It's trying to download the latest news file, to tell you about any available program upgrades, special offers, etc.

Q. My modem tries dialing up and connecting every time I launch PC-Mac-Net FileShare. What can I do to prevent this?
A. There is a setting on your computer which specifies whether it should dial up automatically when a program tries to connect to the Internet. Switch this off. On Windows XP, uncheck the 'Dial whenever a network connection is not present' checkbox located on the 'Connections' panel of the 'Internet Properties' control panel. On MacOS X, uncheck the 'Connect automatically when needed' checkbox, which is located on the dialog displayed when you press the 'PPP Options...' button on the 'PPP' panel of the 'Network' control panel.

Q. PC-Mac-Net FileShare has a problem launching, and I think it's related to the 'Incoming' folder  selected (the folder displayed in the local file list). What can I do to reset the 'Incoming' folder so it works again?
A. If you hold down the 'Ctrl' key whilst launching PC-Mac-Net FileShare, it will reset the 'Incoming' folder selected to show the top level (ie. the hard drives and CD drives on the computer).

Q. Can I use the Lite Edition of PC-Mac-Net FileShare on one computer and the Standard Edition or Professional Edition on the other?
A. Yes, but downloads on the Lite Edition are limited to 10mb in size, and uploads are limited to 2mb.

Q. PC-Mac-Net FileShare is using a lot of CPU time, especially on Windows. What can I do to fix it?
A. You may have a lot of files in the 'Incoming' folder, and scanning through them to update the local file list could be causing the problem (anti-virus software on Windows does additional time-consuming checks when files are accessed).

Q. On Windows, during file transfers, the status information sometimes locks up for a few seconds. What is causing this?
A. It is probably your anti-virus software doing ongoing checks of the data being transferred. These type of delays are generally more evident with zip, iso and other archiving file types.

Q. How do I get PC-Mac-Net FileShare on all the computers on my LAN?
A. You can transfer the software via floppy disk, zip disk, CD-R, CD-RW, etc. If you have Internet connection sharing software, you can download the software onto each computer on your LAN. You can also transfer the full version of PC-Mac-Net FileShare across your LAN using the Lite Edition (which can be freely downloaded).

Q. I can't seem to transfer files to my PC which have path lengths longer than 256 characters (eg. such as iTunes music). What's going wrong?
A. Windows (XP, and other varieties) have a problem with file paths longer than 256 characters. You simply cannot create a file path on Windows longer than this, even from the desktop.

Q. There's some type of problem with the 'Incoming' folder I have selected, and PC-Mac-Net FileShare can't display it in the local file list properly. What can I do?
A. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key when you launch PC-Mac-Net FileShare, and the local file list will return to root level, thus displaying the hard disks, CD drives, etc. on your system. You can then navigate freely from there.

Q. I can see the shared Macintosh files on my Windows XP computer, yet I can't see the shared Windows XP files on my Macintosh. What's going wrong?
A. Windows XP has a built-in firewall. You need to change the firewall settings to allow TCP/IP to operate on the ports used by PC-Mac-Net FileShare (ie. the default port is 3300).

Q. I have a firewall installed on my computer and PC-Mac-Net FileShare doesn't seem to work. What can I do?
A. You need to change the firewall settings to allow TCP and UDP to operate on the port used by PC-Mac-Net FileShare (ie. the default port is 3300).

Q. One MacOS X, sometimes when I view a folder in the local file list, it seems to lockup with a spinning wheel. Why?
A. There may be an alias in the folder pointing to a file on a networked drive which is not available and/or can't be mounted. This is an operating system issue, and you should just wait until the Finder times out in its attempt to mount the network drive. Alternatively, you may need to force quit PC-Mac-Net FileShare. Try to locate the problem alias and delete it.

Q. I'm using the Lite Edition and I can only see two other users on the network. What's going wrong?
A. The Lite Edition only supports 3 users in a workgroup. Please purchase the Standard Edition or the Professional Edition to build large workgroups.

Q. In what order are Macintosh file type/creator values assigned from the table?
A. The file type/creator values at the bottom of the list are assumed to be more current. Thus, if you add a file type/creator which has the same PC file extension as an existing one, your new one takes precedence. Of course, you can remove file type/creator values to ensure the conversion process is done exactly in the way you specify.

Q. I'm a Windows user and I don't have a Network Neighborhood or My Network Places icon on my desktop. How do I get one?
A. You need to refer to the Windows help system to find out how to install and configure networking and TCP/IP on your computer.

Q. I need to change the runtime key - how do I do that?
A. Press the Runtime Key button on the News tab panel and you can enter a different runtime key.

Q. Where is the 'PC-Mac-Net FileShare' preferences folder?
A. Hold down Ctrl and Shift on the keyboard whilst clicking the Preferences tab on the main window and the preferences folder will be displayed on your desktop.

Q. I'm running MacOS 8.6 and when another computer gets a file from me, the computer seems to lock up. Is there anything I can do?
A. There is a well documented problem with TCP/IP networking on MacOS 8.6 relating to DHCP. Please refer to the Apple's Technical Information Library, article 60400 for details (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=60400).

Q. I need CarbonLib 1.6 to run PC-Mac-Net FileShare on my MacOS Classic 8.6 computer, but where can I find it?
A. You can download it from http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=120047

Q. When I launch PC-Mac-Net FileShare, my firewall displays an alert. What's going on?
A. These alerts may be caused by a number of issues:

  1. After launch, the latest news is automatically downloaded and displayed in the 'News' panel (if it has been updated).
  2. PC-Mac-Net FileShare acts as a server, by listening on the base port for other computers which are running the software.
  3. PC-Mac-Net FileShare may do narrowcasts and broadcasts of UDP datagrams (based on the IP addresses in the 'Workgroup IP Addresses' list) when it is trying to locate other computers on a network.

Error messages
Remote computer unreachable The remote computer is inaccessible, probably because PC-Mac-Net FileShare is not running on that computer, or there is a TCP/IP configuration problem.

Revision history

[New] = New Feature
[Opt] = Optimization
[Bug] = Bug Fix
[Note] = Application note

5.5.2 (19 January 2006)
[Opt] Some text areas were increased in size so that text drawn with a large default font was displayed correctly. This issue was most evident on Ubuntu Linux.
[Bug] On MacOS X, if PC-Mac-Net FileShare was launched and an open Internet connection was not available, there could be a 30 second delay where PC-Mac-Net FileShare appeared to lock up.

5.5.1 (17 January 2006)
[Opt] On the MacOS X version, if v5.4.0 or v5.5.0 of PC-Mac-Net FileShare had previously launched the VLC media player, an incorrect VLC preference could adversely affecting VLC launch and/or movie playback. This VLC preference is now automatically detected and corrected, if necessary.

5.5.0 (16 January 2006)
[New] One control computer can now control media playback on multiple remote computers, over LANs or the Internet.
[New] A splash screen is displayed immediately after launch, to indicate to users that PC-Mac-Net FileShare is running and to help prevent relaunching attempts by impatient users (especially on Windows).
[New] When playing music, the track title, artist and album information is displayed if it is available.
[New] Playlists can now be created instantaneously by right-clicking one or more selected items in the search results. This allows a movie to be set to play in two mouse clicks.
[New] A 'Play' contextual menu item was added to the 'Media Files' listbox.
[New] The items on a playlist can now be played from any item position (in addition to starting from the top), by double-clicking the item or by right-clicking it and selecting 'Play'.
[New] Now offers large file support (ie. files > 2GB in size) on Linux.
[Opt] The IP addresses of remote users who are commonly connected are now automatically scanned first after launch, yielding faster connection times.
[Opt] If the media player backdrop was cleared (by pressing Esc key, etc.), it would not be displayed correctly when media was played again.
[Opt] The 'Stop' button now stops any media currently playing almost immediately, as well as clearing the media backdrop window.
[Opt] If PC-Mac-Net FileShare is closed down on the control computer and then restarted, it will automatically detect the play position of media on the remote computer when it reconnects.
[Note] If a movie encoded in DivX5 format is played, the seek, rewind and fast forward functions will not work correctly. In addition, the position of a paused movie will not be saved correctly between launches of PC-Mac-Net FileShare (the movie will always start playing at the beginning again). The duration of the movie is also incorrect, and is assumed to be 3 hours in length. This issue is due to limited DivX5 support in the VLC v0.8.4 media player.
[Note] When music and sound files encoded in MP4 format (which use the m4a file extension) are played, album and artist information is not displayed on the media backdrop.
 [Bug] The volume level may be set to zero when new remote user preferences were created, which may have been construed by new users to be a problem with audio output during media playback. A minimum volume level of 10% is now set if the volume level is detected to be below 10% when media playback is started.
[Bug] A NilObjectException may occur just after launch.
[Bug] After playing media, the cursor would remain invisible even after the backdrop window was closed.
[Bug] Play progress shown on the controlling computer could move out of sync with the playing computer.
[Bug] The help text for the 'Allow Remote Media Control' checkbox was not displayed correctly.
[Bug] If items were selected in the search results and subsequently added to the media files list, the same items sometimes were not immediately available to add to other media files lists.
[Bug] Pressing the pause button would pause the remote media player, but this status would sometimes not be shown correctly on the local computer controlling playback.
[Bug] After all media items on the currently playing playlist have been played, media playback did not always stop correctly.
[Bug] Items could be removed and added to playlists currently being played.
[Bug] If there were curved brackets in the file name, then the track playing would not be displayed correctly in the computer controlling playback.
[Bug] On the MacOS version, if there were special characters in the media file's name, such as *?|', the media file was not played if it was included in a playlist. The most commonly used special character in music files is the apostrophe, "'".
[Bug] The search results were not cleared when a new user (or 'None') was selected from the 'Connect to' popup menu.
[Bug] If a playlist was not played from the top, the next and previous buttons only allowed movement around the bottom section of the playlist.
[Bug] The currently playing playlist could be reordered, though it did not affect the actual playback order.
[Bug] Playlist preferences were not always saved correctly, after changes were made to playlists.
[Bug] On MacOS X 10.2, movies and music would not play correctly.
[Bug] On MacOS X 10.3, music would not play correctly.

5.4.0 (25 December 2005)
[New] A remote file and folder search function has been added, which allows searching by any part or parts of a name, as well as by media type.
[New] Remote media player functions have been added, including the ability to create, modify and remove playlists as well as control media playback on a remote computer (over wired and wireless LANs and the Internet).
[Opt] Resource forks are now excluded when calculating file and folder MD5s, since users don't always transfer resource forks (especially between MacOS and Windows computers) and mismatching MD5s between computers could be mistaken for transfer failures.
[Bug] Items could be dragged from the remote file list onto the local file list, even though a local directory had not yet been selected.

5.1.2 (24 October 2005)
[Bug] On the Windows and Linux versions, the chat beep sound would not play.
[Bug] On MacOS X 10.2, a plugin error prevented PC-Mac-Net FileShare from launching correctly.

5.1.1 (21 October 2005)
[Bug] On the Windows and Linux versions, if the 'Transfer MacOS Resource Forks' checkbox was unchecked and a file was uploaded to it with a MacOS resource fork, as exception alert would be displayed.

5.1.0 (20 October 2005)
[New] Files and folders can be dragged between the local file list and remote file list to initiate a transfer.
[New] Contextual menus have been added to the local file list, providing actions including 'Get Info', 'Get Info (With MD5 Signature)', 'Upload', 'Sync', 'Open With Default Application', 'Delete' and 'Reveal On Desktop'.
[New] Contextual menus have been added to the remote file list, providing actions including 'Get Info', 'Get Info (With MD5 Signature)', 'Download' and 'Delete'.
[New] Additional default icons have been added (for display in the local file list and remote file list) for a range of file types including: doc/txt, mov/avi/mpg/mpeg/wmv/dv, mp3/m4a/m4b/wma, pdf, html/htm, jpeg/jpg/gif/png/bmp, dmg/iso/nrg/toast and zip/sit/rar.
[New] Detailed information (size, creation date, modification date, type, extension, permissions, location, etc) can now be obtained about local and remote files, including the option to calculate and display file MD5s. File MD5s can be used to verify that the contents of two files are identical.
[New] Detailed information (size, number of contained files and folders, creation date, modification date, permissions, location, etc) can now be obtained about local and remote folders, including the option to display a cumulative folder MD5 calculated from all files contained in the folder and its subfolders. Folder MD5s can be used to verify that the contents of two folders are identical.
 [New] Local file permissions can be changed using the new File Information Dialog.
[New] Files shown in the local file list can be easily opened with their default application.
[New] A 'Clear' button has been added to the 'Network' panel to allow the connection status information to be cleared when using the Internet workgroup setup methods.
[New] The local and remote file lists are now locked during file transfers.
[New] Folders added to the shared files/folders list which are read-only (such as folders on CDROMs) are marked with a locked folder icon and cannot be set as writeable.
[New] Chasing arrows were added to the floating file transfer progress window.
[New] Holding down the 'Shift' key whilst clicking the 'Download' or 'Upload' buttons will automatically choose overwrite (normally, an alert will be displayed if there are existing files and folders at the destination location).
[New] On the Linux version, files and folders in the local file list can now be directly renamed.
[Opt] After a transfer is complete, a more detailed status message is now displayed which indicates whether it was a download, upload or sync. Sync information also includes the number of files uploaded and downloaded.
[Opt] The instantaneous transfer speed reading is now omitted if it is zero.
[Opt] Substantial improvements have been made in Internet file transfer speed and robustness, as well as more dynamic progress reporting.
[Opt] When refreshing the local file list, the tally of files added is shown during the refresh to provide feedback on progress.
[Opt] Help specific to each workgroup setup method is now displayed when that workgroup setup method is selected in the 'Preferences' panel.
[Opt] Upload speeds have been increased by 2-10 times, and upload reliability has been improved.
[Opt] Download speeds have been increased by 20-50%.
[Opt] On the Windows version, CPU utilization has been substantially reduced during uploads.
[Opt] When uploading files from Windows computers, CPU utilization has been reduced from high to very low levels.
[Bug] On MacOS 8.6, all file sizes were shown as zero, though it was possible to upload files to another computer. The fix for this bug limits file sizes on MacOS 8.6 to 2GB.
[Bug] File and folder names could be edited whilst a file transfer was in progress.
[Bug] If a transfer restart occurred during an upload, transfer progress could be incorrectly reported.
[Bug] Double-clicking a file in the local file list or remote file list did not disable the download, upload and sync buttons correctly.
[Bug] If a file download was resumed with an initial file write position in the middle of a MacOS resource fork, an exception alert was displayed.
[Bug] If a file upload was resumed to a Windows computer with an initial file write position at the start of a MacOS resource fork, an exception alert was displayed.
[Bug] Double-clicking a file in the remote file list (to initiate a download) when the top level of the folder hierarchy was selected in the local file list resulted in an exception alert.

5.0.0 (5 October 2005)
[New] Files and folders can be renamed directly by inline editing in the 'Local File List' and 'Remote File List'.
[New] Files and folders can be deleted directly from the 'Local File List' and 'Remote File List'.
[New] New folders can be created directly in the 'Local File List' and 'Remote File List'.
[New] A folder path popup menu have been added to the 'Local File List' and 'Remote File List', making navigation up the folder hierarchy much easier and providing clearer information to the user about which folder is currently being displayed.
[New] A bookmark system has been added to the folder path popup menu to make navigation much faster to favourite folders.
[New] Folder synchronization has been added.
[New] Files and folders can be uploaded.
[New] Any folder included in the 'Files / Folders To Share' list can be set to accept uploads (ie. make it writeable).
[New] A complete graphical overhaul of the user interface has been made, including the addition of new 3D icons.
[New] The main window can now be resized, making it easier to view files and folders with long names.
[New] Users can now navigate, download and upload files and folders from anywhere on their computer systems.
[New] The modification dates of all files and folders are now displayed in the 'Local File List' and 'Remote File List'.
[New] Users can chat with any remote user they can connect to, copy text (such as URLs, email addresses, etc.) to the remote user, and get the attention of a remote user with an audible beep.
[New] Error log files now include a datestamp in the name (to allow a unique error log to be kept for each application launch), and error logs older than a week are automatically deleted.
[New] Both average and instantaneous transfer speeds are now displayed during file transfers.
[New] A transfer log is now created for each transfer, which includes a datestamp, remote computer details, and a list of files transferred. Transfer logs older than a week are automatically deleted.
[New] Holding down the 'Shift' key whilst pressing the 'Upload' or 'Sync' buttons selects 'Update' mode automatically (ie. the usual dialog asking the user if they wish to overwrite existing files, if they exist, is bypassed).
[New] The available free space on the remote computer is now displayed above the 'Remote File List'.
[New] If there is insufficient space in the selected 'Incoming Folder' for a download or synchronization, no files are downloaded and a message is displayed alerting the user.
[New] On the MacOS X and MacOS Classic versions, custom file and folder icons can be displayed in the 'Local File List' (rather than the generic icon set available on all platforms).
[Opt] The 'Enable Hints' checkbox has been renamed to 'Show Hints'.
[Opt] Files and folders not accessible at launch time are now not removed from the 'Files / Folders To Share' list.
[Opt] When volumes (ejectable hard disks, DVDs, etc.) are mounted and unmounted, the contents of the 'Files / Folders To Share' list is updated to include any items not previously accessible.
[Opt] Faster transfers of large groups of small files.
[Opt] Improved detection of changes in the folder displayed as the 'Local File List', such as new, removed and renamed files.
[Opt] Improved connection messages when using the 'Internet (Internet Workgroup)' workgroup setup method, to help diagnose if the user assigned to be the workgroup hub is behind a firewall.
[Opt] The 'Quick Start' button was removed and a 'Getting Started' section was added to the 'Help' menu.
[Opt] Better support for MacOS resource fork files on Windows and Linux computers.
[Opt] On the Linux version, selection of the 'Display User Manual...' and 'Getting Started...' help items displays the online version of the user manual (the Linux version does not support direct opening of folders on the desktop, nor direct display of local user manual web pages, even if they are available).
[Opt] Various improvements in file transfer robustness and automatic failure recovery.
[Bug] Read-only files and folders could not be added to the 'Files / Folders To Share' list.
[Bug] The main window and floating window positions were not saved correctly between launches on computers with multiple monitors.
[Bug] Localization labels were not included for the MacOS file types dialog

4.6.0 (11 June 2005)
[New] Files with MacOS resource forks can now be optionally transferred to and from Windows and Linux computers. Each resource fork file name is the same as its data fork file name, except that a '._' prefix is added. The '._' prefix is used to ensure compatibility to other cross-platform file server applications.
[New] On the Windows and MacOS versions, the amount of free disk space available is displayed above the 'My Local File List' listbox.
[Opt] When copying MacOS single file applications to Windows or Linux computers, an '.app' file extension is now appended when the default MacOS file type list is used.
[Opt] Faster and more reliable connections to others users in an Internet workgroup.
[Opt] UDP on port 3300 is now not required for Internet workgroups.
[Opt] On the Windows version, the file icon highlights more aesthetically when selected in a listbox.
[Opt] Files with an '.exe' extension are shown with an application icon.
[Opt] On the MacOS versions, single file applications (ie. files with a file type of 'APPL') are shown with an application icon.
[Opt] 'Connection Status' error messages (displayed when using the Internet workgroup setup methods) are now displayed as underlined text to differentiate them from normal status messages.
[Opt] A firewall/NAT test is performed automatically when 'Internet (Internet Workgroup) is selected as the workgroup setup method. This ensures that the user is informed immediately if there are any Internet file sharing problems due to firewalls or NAT devices (such as routers).

4.5.1 (20 May 2005)
[Bug] On MacOS Classic, a NilObjectException may occur when trying to enter the runtime key.

4.5.0 (5 May 2005)
[New] Linux (i86) version released.
[New] Computers on a LAN which were connected in a previous session now connect immediately.
[New] File permissions are transferred correctly on all supported Unix platforms (MacOS X and Linux).
[New] The MacOS Classic version can now handle multiple concurrent remote user downloads.
[New] Bandwidth load balancing has been added, to ensure all remote users downloading files share bandwidth equally.
[New] If the scan time of the 'Incoming' folder (used to build 'My Local File List') is more than 4 seconds, a message is displayed providing advice on how to eliminate this delay (usually caused by anti-virus software scanning a number of large files stored in the 'Incoming' folder). This anti-virus scan delay is especially evident on the Windows version.
[New] Files transferred to MacOS Classic have their icons displayed correctly in the Finder, if they have custom icons.
[Opt] CPU utilization on all platforms has been reduced to 5% or less when idle.
[Opt] File transfer speeds for large files have been increased by more than 100%.
[Opt] Significantly improved transfer speed of large sets of small files, especially over slow network connections (such as dialup modems).
[Opt] Auto-detection of other computers on LANs is much faster and more robust.
[Opt] The transfer speed average is now calculated over a 10 second interval, giving a much more responsive and accurate value. 'Time Remaining' estimations are also subsequently much better.
[Opt] Help information is now displayed for the network diagnostic button.
[Opt] The 'ErrorLog.txt' file is now located in the preferences folder, rather than the 'Data' folder.
[Opt] The 'Languages' folder is now stored inside the preferences folder.
[Opt] Messages displayed on the network diagnostic window have been enhanced.
[Opt] Buttons have been increased in height to display correctly on Fedora Linux.
[Opt] The responsiveness of the user interface on the MacOS Classic version is much better, irrespective of the number of concurrent remote users downloading.
[Bug] Application bundles on MacOS X are correctly detected and transferred, and a new application icon has been added to represent MacOS X application bundles and packages.
[Bug] On MacOS X 10.3, files whose 'Hide extension' flag was set may still have their extensions visible in the Finder. This caused errors when transferring those files to the target computer.
[Bug] Sometimes the paths of shared files/folders were not correctly determined on the source computer, and this resulted in problems with file transfers to the target computer.
[Bug] Files with very long file extensions, such as those used on MacOS X, would not transfer correctly.
[Bug] Sometimes there were problems with resource fork transfers, when transferring files between MacOS computers.
[Bug] If a language other than 'English' was selected, the language setting would revert back to English the next time PC-Mac-Net FileShare was launched.

4.0.1 (8 November 2004)
[New] Windows 98/NT/ME version released.
[Opt] 'Get' button color changed to green.
[Bug] When transferring files to Windows, the transfer sometimes would not fully complete and/or an error alert would be displayed, "WorkgroupUserTransfer.finishUpTransfer".

4.0.0 (28 September 2004)
[New] An auto-discovery function has been added, making it much easier to users on a LAN to automatically find other users on the LAN.
[New] Now fully compatible to DHCP and other automatic IP address allocation protocols
Easy Internet setup of dispersed LAN workgroups (eg. students at Universities)
[New] One computer on a LAN can now be set to act as a workgroup hub for others users in the workgroup.
[New] A compact global floating window has been added to allow monitoring of file transfers whilst using minimum screen area.
[New] Supports the easy localization of PC-Mac-Net FileShare into any Unicode-based language.
[New] A 'Network' tab panel has been added, showing all the remote users connected and their last action.
[New] An Internet firewall diagnostic test has been added, to help pinpoint problems with firewalls and port 'pass through' in routers.

[New] An option to beep when the transfer is complete has been added.
[New] Double-clicking an item in the 'File / Folders to Share' listbox opens the item.
[New] Empty directories are now also transferred.
TCP and UDP diagnostic functions have been added to assist with network setup
[New] Information about the network adapters installed in a computer can be displayed.
[Opt] The setup wizard was removed from the Lite Edition.

[Bug] When transferring files to Windows, extra null padding may be added to the end of the file.

3.2.1 (5 April 2004)
[Bug] When transferring a folder at root level on the remote file list from Windows to Macintosh, an error message may incorrectly be displayed saying some files and folders could not found on the remote computer.
[Bug] When transferring files from MacOS X or Windows to MacOS Classic, if a folder in the source path had a name length greater than 30 characters, the first few characters of the name may be removed on the destination.
[Bug] On MacOS X, if another application was brought to the front and then some time later PC-Mac-Net FileShare was brought to front, some buttons on the PC-Mac-Net FileShare 'Transfer Files' panel may appear disabled when they weren't.
[Bug] On MacOS Classic, if the incoming folder used a custom folder icon, the custom icon file would be displayed in the local file list.

3.2.0 (9 March 2004)
[New] When joining an Internet workgroup, detailed messages are displayed in a new 'Connection Status' area as well as the 'Status' area to make it easier to see what is happening. When new users connect, their computer names are also displayed.
[New] Now fully supports the transfer of files with file names containing characters other than English (eg. Japanese, European accents, etc).
[Opt] The main window comes up more quickly after launch.
[Opt] Internet workgroup names have leading and trailing spaces removed.
[Opt] Only English characters are supported in Internet workgroup names.
[Opt] XP button icons have been increased in size to better fit the button face.
[Opt] When the 'Internet' workgroup setup method is selected, PC-Mac-Net FileShare now automatically tries connecting to the selected workgroup as soon as it is launched.
[Bug] On MacOS X, if another application's window was brought forward just before a network timeout occurred, the 'Connect to' menu would remain disabled.
[Bug] When transferring files from MacOS, an additional PC file extension may be added even though the file name already includes a file extension.
[Bug] When getting a remote file list containing a large number of files, the user interface of the computer creating the file list (ie. the server) could freeze for the period of the file scan.
[Bug] The base port number textbox is now displayed when the 'Internet' workgroup setup method is selected, allowing users to change the base port number when in this mode.
[Bug] On Windows, if two instances of PC-Mac-Net FileShare were accidently launched, the second instance would use 100% of the CPU.
[Bug] When getting a remote file list containing a large number of files, the client could timeout before the file scan on the server was completed.
[Bug] If a new 'Incoming' folder was selected, the local file list did not refresh with the contents of the new folder.
[Bug] During transfer of files larger than 2GB, information about the amount transferred may not be displayed correctly.
[Bug] On MacOS X, the popup menus were sometimes blank after launch, even though they had selected menu items.
[Bug] If characters which are illegal for the naming of folders on Windows (eg. "/") existed in the folder path on MacOS, the names of files transferred from MacOS to Windows from these folders would have leading characters removed.

3.1.0 (8 December 2003)
[Opt] The local and remote file lists are now sorted.
[New] Windows XP style icons have been added.
[New] The demo version has been renamed the 'Lite Edition'.
[New] An item in the 'File/Folders To Share' listbox can be deleted by selecting it and pressing the delete or backspace key.
[New] An item in the local file list can be deleted by selecting it and pressing the delete or backspace key.
[New] The main window has been increased in size to allow more file name information to be displayed.
[Opt] Internet workgroup names are now not case sensitive.
[Opt] The Lite Edition now supports multiple file transfers and folder transfers.
[Opt] The Lite Edition can now transfer files up to 10mb in size.
[Bug] If the shared name of a folder was changed in the 'File/Folders To Share' listbox, files may not be transferred correctly.
[Bug] Sharing a single individual file did not work.
[Bug] On Windows 95/98/ME, there was a limit of 1 concurrent remote user downloading files as a time.
[Bug] If the preferences panel was displayed on startup, Internet workgroups did not get connected correctly.
[Opt] Additional messages showing the status of Internet workgroup connections have been added.
[Opt] The FS protocol has been changed, so all users in a workgroup must run this new version of the software. The message, "Remote version incompatible" will now be displayed if there is a difference in the FS protocol used. The version number of the software running on the remote computer will also be displayed with this message.
[Bug] If a colon character was contained in a shared file or folder name, files would become inaccessible. This problem occurred, for example, if an entire volume or hard disk was shared on the Windows platform.

3.0.1 (25 November 2003)

[New] The Windows 95/98/NT/ME version of PC-Mac-Net FileShare is now available.
[Opt] A 'Setup Wizard' has been added to the demo version, to simplify initial set up of the software.
[Bug] The base port number is not set correctly to the default value if the preferences file is not found.
[Bug] Sometimes the incoming folder could be selected as a shared folder, and vice versa.

3.0.0 (12 November 2003)

[New] Streamlined Internet file sharing has been added.
[New] Remote computer folder navigation controls
[New] Transfer speeds have been increased by 2-6 times
[New] Double-clicking a file in the local file list opens it with the default application.
[New] Double-clicking a folder in the local file list opens it on the desktop.
[New] Any file or folder on the users hard disk can now be selected for sharing.
[New] Unicode file name support has been added.
[New] Support for long file names has been added.
[New] Folders can now be transferred.
[New] Transfers of any partially transferred files or folders can be resumed.
[New] Icons have been added to easily identify files and folders in the file lists.
[New] Multiple files or folders can be selected for transfer.
[New] Detection of other computers running PC-Mac-Net FileShare on the network has been streamlined.
[New] The total time for the transfer is displayed when the transfer is complete.
[New] Updated files (ie. files with a newer modification date) can be transferred, overwriting older versions of those files.
[New] Files and folders to be shared can be dragged and dropped directly onto the 'Files/Folders To Share' listbox.
[Bug] On the Windows version, 100% of the CPU was utilized in some cases.
[Bug] When running on MacOS 8.6, sometimes error 1010 was displayed when PC-Mac-Net FileShare was launched.

[Opt] On the MacOS X version, the size of text on the main window has been increased to make it easier to read.
[Opt] The 'My Local File List' and 'Remote File List' listboxes have been increased in height to make more files visible at one time
[Opt] If a sharing password is not entered in the 'Password Required' dialog or the 'Password Required' dialog is cancelled, the 'None' selection is now automatically chosen from the 'Connect to:' popup menu.
[Opt] Connection reliability and network performance have been improved.
[Opt] Asterixes can now be used in place of new line control characters (eg. LF, CR and CRLF) when entering a runtime key.
[Bug] On Windows, if the user quit the application whilst it was minimized, the main window would not open normally when it was relaunched. It is now placed at a default position in the top left of the screen.
[Bug] Sometimes the demo version would display the 'Runtime Key Entry' dialog, though the demo does not actually need a runtime key to be entered by the user.
[Bug] A duplicate runtime key error was sometimes generated on computers with unusual network configurations, such as those with multiple Network Interface Cards (NICs).
[Bug] Cancelling the 'Password Required' dialog would not cancel it correctly - it would be redisplayed.
[Bug] When quitting the MacOS X version, a 'quit unexpectedly' error message was displayed.
[Bug] When getting the first file from a computer running MacOS X, the transfer may stop partway. The transfer had to be manually continued so it would complete.

[Bug] Transferring a Macintosh file with a resource fork from MacOS X to MacOS Classic did not transfer the resource fork correctly.
[Opt] Scans for other users on the network has been improved.
[Bug] The 'Use Internet Server' popup menu item (a workgroup setup method to be included in a future release) has been removed from the 'Workgroup Setup Method' popup menu.

[New] Files larger than 2GB can now be transferred on operating systems which offer 'Large file support' (ie. all platforms except Windows 95/98 and older versions of MacOS Classic).
[New] A 'Ping' button has been added. This button allows users to test the network connection to a remote computer, making it easier to set up PC-Mac-Net FileShare and diagnose network problems.
[New] Encryption strength has been increased from 448-bits to 896-bits.
[New] Double-clicking a file in 'My Local File List' opens the file using the appropriate application.
[New] The dynamic help system displays text of active controls in black and inactive controls in red.
[New] The serial number of the registered user is now displayed in the 'News' panel (along with the user's name) to make it easy to determine which computers have duplicate runtime keys.
[Opt] The dynamic help system only displays text when PC-Mac-Net FileShare is the front application.
[Opt] If a duplicate runtime key is found on the network, an alert is displayed with more detailed information.

2.0.0 (initial release)

[New] When transferring a file from Macintosh to PC, the PC file extension is now added automatically to the file name. The PC file extension comes from the type/creator table on the Macintosh, so new PC filename extensions should be added on the Macintosh.
[New] When the number of files in the 'Shared' folder changes, the 'My local file list' listbox is automatically refreshed. For example, when files are dropped into the folder, removed from the folder, or transferred from another computer using PC-Mac-Net FileShare, the listbox will be automatically refreshed.
[New] If the file name of any file in the 'Shared' folder is too long, it is automatically shortened to 30 characters to make file name length compatible to all supported platforms.
[New] If the file name of any file in the 'Shared' folder contains exotic characters (eg. "/", ":", "?", "!", etc), they are automatically removed to make the file name compatible to all supported platforms.
[New] Files can be dragged from the desktop and dropped into the 'My local file list' listbox - this moves the file into the 'Shared' folder. The dropped file can be copied (instead of moved) by holding down the 'Control' key on Windows, or the 'Option' key on the Macintosh.
[New] On the Macintosh versions, files can be dragged out of the 'My local file list' listbox and dropped onto the desktop. The dropped file can be copied (instead of moved) by holding down the Option' key.
[Opt] The 'Shared' folder was moved to the desktop to make it more accessible.
[Opt] Additional Macintosh file types/creators have been added for BBEdit and MS Word files.
[Opt] The file size limit of the demo version of PC-Mac-Net FileShare has been increased to 2mb. This allows you to use the demo version to transfer the full version to all computers on your LAN.
[Opt] File names can now be up to 30 characters in length (plus a 3 character extension on the Windows version).
[Opt] The version number has been added to 'About PC-Mac-Net FileShare' dialog title.
[Opt] The instructions on the Preferences dialog about the 'Base port number' (previously called the 'Master port number') have been updated.
[Bug] Macintosh files with a zero data fork size and non-zero resource fork size may not transfer correctly to other Macintoshes. If this error occurred, the resulting transferred file would have zero length.
[Bug] Changing the 'My computer' value only took effect after PC-Mac-Net FileShare was closed and relaunched.

1.0.0 (initial release)